samedi 17 février 2007

How are traded regulated through the Internet?

kind of commodity that wish to trade in not restored Nick do so only through the company will be the mediator Pink and between the Stock Exchange that deal in them, no one can generally go directly to the Stock Exchange Webb Asher buying and selling directly, it is done through private companies and licensed and experienced high Yeh called brokerage companies Ras firms. , which would implement the sale and purchase orders, which total t and the many other services for you. The operation is carried mainly as follows : · choose brokerage company that wants to deal with them. · Open your account with them. shall the amount wish risk investing. · The follow-up to the Stock Exchange which wishes traded Utek M. order brokerage company to sell or purchase goods, which see d and the price they choose. · The brokerage company through their representatives there in one form or another in the implementation of the Stock Exchange shall follow your orders. · Profits will be added or deducted for yourself only losses resulting p n traded from yourself only to brokerage firms. · You can of course to withdraw the amount deposited in the evil Keh mediation or add it any time you want. In previous dealings between you and the brokerage company is by telephone or by using fax. When it was decided to buy shares of the company as I was falling M. dial with the brokerage company and demand them do buy the required quantity of the shares of this morass e determined by the price. Now, the result of the evolution of the Internet into Alta Mel between you and the brokerage company is a special program p. latform get it from the brokerage company and the Ptnzelh download to a computer on you. When opening an account with the brokerage company selected by S. you ask the company to download a special program a Statik on your system and the passage of the word special password you six served to contact the security company in mediation. This program will provide you directly and immediately b Yen your system, which will connect to the Internet and evil Keh mediation, where you can identify the sales orders and procurement and found yourself only and previous operations of my MTV. Etc. These programs are very easy and clarity It is not the need for special expertise in computer or Alant looked to deal with it and it is designed primarily to use Shah Al-ordinary experience is limited in the computer, find always full guidance on how to use these programs of the brokerage company that they deal with. And talk about that later. We have provided this potential, which was among the Ahl Or a few years an opportunity for many people to boosting companies with the hope that mediation might be at the other end of the Aal m without the need to comply with existing companies in the country meters it was a situation in the past, which gave more room for Lge TR and sparked competition among brokerage companies to provide domestic T. better and reduce costs, which required businesses to pay Ha for these services.

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